Saturday, May 1, 2010


I don't like it...

Why can't people see what good stuff has a person done instead of complaining what hasn't a person done?
Why won't someone judge themselves before judging others?
And when finally someone does what you have asked for, you just won't show appreciation, but complain that it is not good enough...
That is why in the end, people stop doing what you want, because it is pointless...
So, please don't complain so much...
Shut it...

I realize that kids these days are asking for what they do not deserve, or what they are not suppose to have...
Wasting parents' money without thinking...
Rite, parents love their children, hence giving them what they want...
Let your kids grow up, or better, grow brains...
Stop pampering them...
Stop spoiling them...
Buying PSPs, laptops, cellphones, and bla bla bla during primary school level is not going to help them get better results...
You're not suppose to buy them laptop just because they get wonderful results of ONE ace out of TEN subjects...
What's the laptop for when you're in primary or lower secondary? DOTA all day long? or to do some researches on exotic romance?
If you're rich, donate it to the charity...
There are tonnes of people who need your help out there...
I seriously don't get the idea of rewarding your children with lavishness for something that they should do...

I just don't like it...